Up to No.63.Kichijo-ji from No. 59 Kokubun-ji (2 day course)

To No. 63 from No.59th is two-day course.
The road to No. 60 is the most difficult of the 88 Pilgrimage. In the rainy day, Pilgrim road is dangerous because the road change to river.
Water level of Myoutani River will be an indicator. When the river filled high level with  water ,Please think the state of pilgrimage path is worst.
Let's choose the courseRoute 11 up to No. 61 to No.63 and returns to No. 60 by road via.
It does not take a joke, If the walkingpilgrimage meet in distress, just be laughed lack training, and lack of faith! !Return course 41km, normal course 50km.
Let's either you can camp out in the 60th foot, or borrow thecar park of No. 60.

<Information of each camp Fudasho, hot spring, public bath is in the KML file>

59 Kokubunji  
S Komachi hot spring Shikokuya
Yunami resting place
Hachiman Shrine  Rest area
S Yunoura hot spring Kuwahausu Imabari
Sendan-ji (Seta Yakushi)
Baozan-ji inner sanctuary
S holiday village Setouchi Toyo
Holiday Village campsite
Pilgrimageroad Kusunokian
Higiri Daishi (Kouhuku-ji)
S bathhouse Shinmei hot water
Reception sites
S Motoya hot spring
Motoya park

No.60. Yokomine-ji(横峰寺)
Principal image  DainichiNyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Misitsu sect.When EnnoOzuno the founder of asceticism had beentraining in Hoshi~kemoriin 651 years, He saw the figure of Zao Gongen
He was enshrinedin small incrementsto the Hall ofrhododendron trees that figure of Zao Gongen. Then, Kobo Daishi alsoenters the mountain for a good luck charm, He had mastered the Hoshimatsuri in 815 years .It is said that last day of TheHoshimatsuri, he saw a figure of ZaoGongen as well as Ennogyoujya and he had enshrined and carved the principal image of Dainichi Nyorai
It is a difficult place to go up the steep slope of the pilgrimage road in the middle of the Ishizuchi Mounten.
Some Daisi-Dou, whoseside SyouyyenDou inthe main hall opposite each other, to the left to the right and up thestone steps to enterthe temple gate. Became the Ishizuchisan west Yohai plant Yokomineby the company gods separation decree in the Meiji period, but it was back to Yokomine-jii in 1909. 11.2km from IyokomatsuStation.

Yokomine-ji summit parking
Metal bridge
The pavilion in the inner sanctuary beforeShirataki

Principal image DainichiNyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism.Prince Shotoku Was erected a temple to pray for disease convalescence of the Emperor in the Youmei emperor year. At that time, the old man with white hair and gold cloths appeared and enshrined a DainichiNyorai of the principal image .In addition, it is known as Kobo Daishi  KoyasuDaisi from the legend that he saved the woman of dystocia convalescence in this area, worshipers of  KoyasuDaisi often increasing than principal image
There is a cathedral of the three-story concrete building in front of the back When you enter the main gate, DaisiDou and main hall are together. Auditorium chair seat, DainichiNyorai of principal image, enshrined a KoyasuDaisi and HudouMyouou aside Buddha, the second floor is in the chair seat about 700 people sit in front, third floor KantyouDou tatami first floor. Is KoyasuDaisi image, there is a temple lodging with facilities such as hotel capacity of 250 people to the left right in front of the cathedral. 20 minutes 1.5km, walk from Iyokomatsu Station.

Principal image JyuichimenKanzeonbosatsu in the temple of the Shingon Buddism.  Emperer Syoumu was erected one temple for each  countries under theoracle of Ookuninisiin Tenpyou year.
At the beginning to have been erected in the village ofHakutsubo
It is said that Kobo Daishi is enshrined and carved JyuuIchMenkanzeonBosatsuin Daido year.
It became obsolete by Shinto and Buddhism separation, but it was revived in the current location soon.
In small-sized precinctsin the city, In enter a simple temple gate ,there is a main hallin front and DaisDou to the right. Pilgrim signs ofstone built by Sinnenis left in the precinct. 2 minutes 0.2km,walk from IyokomatsuStation. To No.63 1.4km
No.63. Kichijyou-ji(吉祥寺)
Principal image Bisyamonten in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Touji sect.It is said that Kobo Daishi found thecypress tree shines and feeled the aura ,he incremented  Bisyamonten by this tree and was enshrinedthe temple in Koujin year.
Side of Buddha Kissyouten and ZenbusiDouji are also carved at the same time principal image.
The foundation original, it was a magnificent temple in 21 buildings located in sakamoto mountainin the south than the current position, but The temple in its current location was destroyed by Shikoku expedition ofToyotomi Hideyoshi, and was revived as merged with Hinoki-ji in 1659
This is the only temple to have the principal Bisyamonten in Shikoku eighty-eight hallowed ground .Temples set in a residential area, When you enter the temple gate that was small stature but stout, there is a main hall in front and DaisiDou on the left.
In front of the main hall,there is a "stone that wish come true," the round holein about 1m high, if you put stick into a hole with eyes closed ,wish will come true.
2 minutes 0.2km, walk from IyohimiStation.To No.64 3.2km
 <You can enjoy a virtual pilgrimage If you open the KML file>

From No. 59 routeinformation to No. 63 (normal course) KML file

From No. 59 routeinformation to No. 63 (return buck course)  KML file