UP to No.65 Sankaku-ji from No.63. Kichisyou-ji (2 day course)

From No.63 to No.65 is 49.4km, two-day course.
There is 3.3kmto No.64. It is a long course after a long absencefrom No.64.
Healing the bodyin Ishizuchi hot spring, let's walk steadilyslowly over the 2nd.
Camp at Forest campgroundper Shinhama citizen?

<Information of each camp Fudasho, hot spring, public bath is in the KML file>


Principal image AmidaNyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Isitetsu sect.
When EnnoOzuno training at IshizuchiSan, Syakanyoraiappeared transformed into IizuchiZaouGonGenand was deified this image,that is the originator in the age of Emperor Tenmu,
After that , Kanmu emperor was pray for the disease convalescence,and fulfilled a miracleefficacious,he erected temple and named KonjikiinMaegami-ji
DaisiDou can be seen in the front when going into the wideprecincts through the approach of cherrydiving a simple temple gate. And go to the right front, there is IsizuchDaigongen shrine on top of the stone steps on the right side, there is a main hall that was back in the Ishizuchisan towards the back. Some KonpiraDou, as well as YakusiDouthe precinct. 10minutes 0.7km, walkfrom Ishizuchisan Station.
S Ishizuchi hot spring
Togawa park
S Yunotani hot spring
Sakanoshita DaisiDou
Forest campgrounds Shinhama citizen
Yajima wind park
  (The pavilion before) special Enmeiji Temple
Sinhasedera before resting place
Hiyoke Daishi
Mishima park

No.65 .Sankaku-ji(三角寺)
Principal image JyuuichimenKanzeonBosatsu in the temple of the Shingon Buddism .Gyoki Bodhisattva was founded by the instructions of Emperor Syoumu in the Tenpypu year.Kobo Daishi was enshrined in carved JyuichimenKanzeonBosatsuin 815 years.
He prayed themystic for 21 days KoubuGoma Gomazan make a triangle at that time.
It is said to have a temple name is derived from the fact that this Gomazan was atriangle.
There is a temple gate of monolayer attachedthe bell whengoing up the longstone steps from the road a little, there isDaisiDou in the place that went up the right handof the middle approach, there is a main hall on the left side of the deepest. About 5km from IyoMishima Station. 18.1km 45.2km FromNo.64, 18.1km to No.66.
<You can enjoy a virtual pilgrimage If you open the KML file>

From No. 63 route information to No. 65 (normal course) KML file