Up to No.59 Kokubunji from No.53 Enmyou-ji (2 day course)

No.59 from No.53 to 2-day course is 53.7km
After walk for a while From the No.53 Enmei-ji we can see the Seto Inland Sea .
After exit Matsuyama City, we go through Hojo City and Imabari City.a flat road is followed for a while and can see left hand the Seto Inland Sea
People of Ehime are friendly for piligrimage will be glad to your entertainment offensive.
For camping we borrow Daisi-Dou ,parks, My recommendation is Aoki-Jizou among others.
The distance between the temple become short and we can visit at short time.
It is around this time and today to become a suicide complex pilgrimage will also be late.
<Information of each camp Fudasho, hot spring, public bath is in the KML file>

53 Enmyou-ji
Taisanji inner sanctuary
Henshoin (good luck charm Daishi)
Home park of tile
Aoki Jizo
Iyokameoka Station
Hosinoura Seaside Park
Fujiyama health Cultural Park
Beppu park
Aka Daishi
Nursing Institute (EdaDaisi)
Asa-nami station
Kotake JizouDou

No.54 Enmei-ji(延命寺)

Principal image  Hudou Myouou in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Toyozan sect.。It is said it is a hill at the back of the temple, founded Gyouki Bodhisattva carved HudouMyouou to Chikami mountain overlooking the Strait Kusima, and was the dojo of faith and learning Kobo Daishi established a temple. Gyounen Kokushi has authored "Hasyuu-Kouyou" here in the Kamakura period. He moved to the present location in 1727, the site of the mountain is the inner sanctuary. When you enter a simple temple gate that was handed the gates of Imabari Castle in the Meiji era, there is Daisi-Dou There is a main hall in front of the back, and go up the stone stairs to the left of the main hall in front. 3.6km from Onishi Station.37.4km, to No.55 ,from No.53 3.4km.  Let's pray, and donations in the left.

No.55 Nankou-bo(南光坊)

Principal image Daitsuuchisyou Nyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Daigo sect. Kochi Tamazumi receives instructions Monbu emperor, was erected 24 temple with emotions to Oyamazumi Myojin.
Because you did not go If you do not cross the sea to Oyamazumijinja of Omishima, was moved to the current location as an 8-temple, such as Nanko Bow in 703 years.
8 Bow is destroyed by fire caused by war year of Tensho, only this Nanko Bow has been revived by Toudou Takertora in 1600 as Betsutoji of large Yamazumi shrine.
Temple gate is a rare form of arranging the SitenNou image on the four positions of both sides front and rear surfaces.There are Daisi-Dou on your right you enter the main gate, there is a main hall in front of the back.In addition, there is a BetsumiyaOyamazumi shrine on the west side of the grounds. 0.8km from Imabari Station.To No.56 is 3.0km.Kochi TamazumiMonbu . Let's pray, and donations in the left.

No.56 Taizan-ji(泰山寺)
Principal image JidouBosatsu in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Daigo sect.
Place to build a dam to Soujya river kill a human life by repeated flooding, it was way to protect the earth and sand, Kobo Daishi, who visited this place 815 years has appeared EnmeijidouBosatsu on the last day.
I have reportedly was founded as the principal image carved the JidouBosatsu. Rather than the temple gate to enter the precincts that were surrounded by stone walls, there is a temple lodging in front When you enter the gate pillars and up the stone steps, there is a main hall to the left. KongouRikisi image is enshrined in the corridor between the main hall and Temples. To the right across the street from the temple lodging DaisiDou. 2.5km from Imabari Station.
To No.57 is 3.1km. Let's pray, and donations in the left.
S  Kiyomasa Hot spring

Principal image Amida Nyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism. According to the instruction of the Emperor Saga, Kobo Daishi was founded in Koujin year. Where you know that distress accident of the sea is often in this neighborhood, was the worship of the god of the sea memorial service at the summit of the mountain Hutou, AmidaNyorai appeared from the sea on the last day Koubou Daisi.
It is said to have built a temple there and the principal image AmidaNyorai.
To enter the precincts rather than the main gate and up the steep slope of the upstream port to the Hutou mountain, you enter the right front stone steps.
There is DaisiDou it goes up the stone steps of several stages, there is a main hall and you go up the stone steps further. DaisiDou and main hall are connected by a corridor. There are IwasimizuHachimanGuu inner sanctuary of the summit, which climbed about 150m the stone steps go to the side of the mountain road of approach before. 4.5km from Iyo Tomita Station.
To No.58 is 2.4km.

No.58 Senyuu-ji(仙遊寺)

Principal image SennjyuKanzeonBosatsu in the temple of the Shingon Buddism. According to the instruction of Emperor Tenji, Kokushi Kochi Morioki of Iyo has erected a temple. It is said that you have established a temple to send a daily 40 years of chanting samadhi Abou hermit is retirement for prayer in this temple later, that it became a temple name of the current for sudden, Abou hermit vanished and as if playing with clouds in 718 years . To enter the precincts up a while approach of steep covered with trees from past the main gate located on the mountainside. There is DaisiDou on the right side, the main hall are arranged in the back. Seto Inland Sea and the town of Imabari views because it is near the summit of the mountain Sakurei, there is a temple lodging with a hot spring. 4.4km from Iyo Tomita Station.
To No.59 is 6.1km. Seonyu Terashita rest area (pavilion).

No.59 Kokubun-ji(国分寺)
Principal image YakusiRurikouNyorai in the temple of the ShingonRissyu Buddism. According to the instruction of Emperor Shomu, was erected a temple of one to one country, Gyoki Bodhisattva was founded in 741 years as one of the Kokubunji. Was originally a large temple even when compared to other Kokubunji, but it burned down in the turbulent Fujiwara Juntomo in 939 years. After that, I was repeatedly destroyed by fire and reconstruction. The current main hall which was built in 1789. When you enter the stone pillar gate rather than the main gate, the main hall in front, there is a Daisi-Dou on the right side. Cornerstone of thirteen is believed septuplicate tower of the foundation of the remote location about 100m east is left, it has become a national historic site. 2.1km from Iyo Tomita Station.
To No.60 is 27.0km

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From No. 53 routeinformation to No. 59  KML file