UP to No.53 Enmei-ji from No. 45 Iwaya-ji ( 2 day course )

2 -day course to 53 th from 45 th
After passing through the Dogo Onsen There are 2 courses form No. 51 to No.52 , pilgrim road course that bypasses the city of Matsuyama and course through the city used public road.Both courses total distance 53.1km .
In the course from No. 45 to No. 46,there has suitable sites for camping bus stop , and Daishi-Dou , but enters the Matsuyama city No. 48 or later, struggling to  found camping place  choose . Seek the park or under the bridge.
There also may be subject to appreciate your entertainment sometimes .
Not otherwise and such as " because it is studying in the homeless " at that time , please receive the welcome your entertainment , know the gratitude of the favor of people , this is also training .
It is a place between pilgrimage is likely to get lost in a short city center 46th and later , there is a strong ally of the GPS
It should be noted that there is a Dogo hot spring near No. 51.  This is the only training , but please soak in hot water in a relaxed manner by taking the time to recovery of the body that was abuse .
<Information of each camp Fudasho, hot spring, public bath is in the KML file>

No. 45
Misakatoge Kannon
Higashimyojin Rest Park
Rest area

No.46 Jyoururi-ji(浄瑠璃寺)
Principal image YakusiNyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Toyozan sect. Gyoki bodhisattva who visited this place for Buddhism proclaimed in 708 years , founded carved YakusiNoyorai of principal image , Nikoo · Gakkou both sides of the Bodhisattva Buddha , the JyuuniSindou. It is said then , and was Jyoururi-ji in honor of the RurikooNyorai is an alias of the YakusiNyorai Tera-mei Koubou Daisi is to repair the temple . Rather than the main gate , the main hall to the left back and enter the precincts and up the stone stairs of 21 steps , there is a Daisi-Dou on the right side . A foot stone Buddha , Buddha hand stone . 25.0km from No.45, No.47 up to 0.9km

No.47 Yasaka-ji(八坂寺)
Principal image Amida Nyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Daigo sect.Iyo Kokushi KochiTamakosi construction the temple according to the instruction of EmperorWen Wu in 701years, En'nogyoja was founded. It is said to have been named Yasakatemple because it was built to open up the slope of eight built in time. In addition, AmidaNyorai of principal image isa work of EsinSouzu. Ceiling pictureis drawn on the main gate with the depth of the stone steps on. There is a main hall and up thestone steps and the back after entering the main gate, there is a Daisi-Douon the left Gongen-Dou to the right. There is Enma-Doubetween Dais-Dou andmain hall, there is a gate to the roadof hell andparadise road isdrawn on both sides. To No.48 is 4.5km.
Hudahajime Daisi Dou
S Minamidougoonsenteireginoyu
Daisi Dou
Tobe spa, comprehensive park
Oohasi park

No.48 Sairin-ji(西林寺)
Principal image Jyuuichimen Kanzeonbosatsu in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Toyozan sect. And erected a temple in the village of Tokui Gyoki Bodhisattva in cooperation with Iyo Kokushi KochiTamazumi in 741 years, was founded and carved JyuuichimenKanzeonbosatsu. I have been told then, and revived the temple KoubouDaisi is transferred to a location with Kokushi KochiSanekatsu. There is a main hall in front of the back after entering the main gate, there is a Daisi-Dou of small-sized to the right. Some Jibutsu-Dou, and Enma-Dou on the left side. To No.49 is 3.2km.

S Utopia spaHigasidougo

No.49 Jyoudo-ji(浄土寺)
Principal image Syaka Nyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Toyozan sect.
It is said to TenpyoHpusyo year, Keikei holy priest founded by indication ofKouken emperor, Kobo Daishi has established a temple later. Weleave KuuyaSyounin image chopped himselfKuuya holy priest to stay three years inmid - Heian period, and is enshrined in the main hall is designated as an important cultural property. There is a temple gate in the middle and upthe stone steps, there is a main hall in the backthat is fully up. There are Daisi-Dou on the right side.To No.50 is1.7km.

No.50 Hanta-ji(繁多寺)
Principal image  YakusiNyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Toyozan sect.Gyoki Bodhisattva was foundedand carved YakusiNyoraiTenpyoSyoohou year in accordance with an instruction from theKouken emperor. It is a dojo training cursory Shonin, the founder of Tokimune in the 13thcentury, several hundred more than branch temple temple luck prosperity, and sixty-six Bowhigh priest Dragon Lake became the chief priest is receiving the devotionof the Tokugawa Shogunate in the Edo era thatprospered as Otera having. Precinct wideand up thestone steps to enterthe temple gate from the approach. There is Syouten-Dou bell tower, to the left to the right and go up the stone steps at the back, there is a main hall infront, there is a Daisi-Dou on the right side. It is possible that fromMatsuyama city, overlookingthe Seto Inland Sea to Matsuyama Castle started far from the temple gate near In the hill. To No.51 is 2.8km.

No.51 Isite-ji(石手寺)
Principal image  YakusiNyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Toyozan sect. I was named An'yoji Iyo KokushiKochiTamazumi has erected a templeaccording to the instruction of Syoumu emperor in728 years. RenamedIshite temple in892 years underthe legend of EimonSaburou, temple luck was flourishing between Muromachifrom peace, but burned down the majority in the fire caused by war, but Niou Gate, the main temple, pagoda, bell towerand bell from thereconstruction at the time of the Kamakura period it is building. There is a three-story pagoda to the right and past the temple gate after entering the approach with a roof. There is a main hall and stairs in the front, there is a Daisi-Dou before the righta little. Niou Gatebeginning of anational treasure (Kamakura Period), Dou Terauchi has just what you feel the history, ancient temple of Shikoku leading touristsa large number of pilgrims visit only not. There is a cave in themain hall back, here is strange space such asa guardian deity of children of Indian style lined. OfConcealed "Oyaki" is famous. From Iyo Railway afterOnsen Station 5 minutes by bus immediately "Ishiteji" get off. To No.52is 10.7km

S Housyouen footbath (automaton clock before)

No.52 Taisan-ji(太山寺)
Principal image  JyuuichimenKanzenbosatsu in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Chizan sect. Because it is attacked by wind and rain in Takahama off when ManoTyoujya ofBungo country toward the Osaka in 586 years, escapedfrom a marine accident praying to KanzeonBosatsu, foundedand erected overnightas the bow. It is said to have enshrined as the principal image and pay the womb Kanzeonbosatsu6 feet of the JyuuichimenKazeonBosatsu obtained from Tang GyokiBodhisattva had instructions to Emperor Shomu later. Stone steps by more if there is atemple gate of the eight-legged Gate is anational important cultural properties Take the long approach amounting to slow fromthe gates of one, and up the stone steps. There is a main hall that was dignified to the left upon entering the precincts, there isDaisi-Dou If you go up the stone steps of the front. There isSyoutokuTaisiDou in one corner of the grounds, Prince Shotoku image same as Yumedono of Horyuji is enshrined. To No.53 is2.5km.

No.53 Enmyou-ji(円妙寺)
Principal image  Amida Nyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Toyoyama sect. It is said Gyoki bodhisattva receiving the instruction of Syoumu emperor in 749 years has been founded and built a temple on the coast of Amida Nyorai Wake increments. Was home to seven five-story pagoda temple started there on the shores of the initial Nishiyama, but it burned down in the fire caused by war in the Kamakura period. · SugaSigehisa powerful family of Wake was revived in areas where the current in the early Edo period. The main hall, there is a Daisi-Dou on the left side in front after entering the temple gate. The Nosatsu of copper plate and Christian lanterns are left. To No.54 is 34.4km.

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From No. 45 routeinformation to No. 53 (G) KML file

From No.45  routeinformation to No.53 (pilgrimage) KML file