No. To No.45 Iwaya-ji from 43 Meiseki-ji (4 day course)

Distance of 80.2km until No. 45 fromNo. 43, let's walkin four days.
There is a famous Izayoi bridge in the middle. Let’s sleep with Daishi hereif you are back packing pilgrim.
You will not beshort of camping place because there are a lot of fine bus stop No. 45from No. 43. Road Station and the park is good camping places.
Let's not forget to purchase
water and foodbefore enter the pass.
No. 45 from No.44 because it becomes the round-trip course, youare lucky if it is possible to leave luggage on the way, but a tent in the mountains It is fun.

<Information of each camp Fudasho, hot spring, public bath is in the KML file>
No.43 Meiseki-ji

Yu S healthRandoozu
Ten Nights month bridge(Eitokuji)
Resting place Jinnan Hall
(Back of the station road) Uchiko Chiseipark
Senninyado Memorial Daisi-Dou
S Baba public bath hot water
Uwajima park playground
Hiwada Pass rest area
Whistle months waterfallpark
Torizaka barrier remains
Hot water of Oz
Pocket park bills hanging
Uchiko Sports Park
Station in childroad
Township station OdaRoad

No.44 Taihoo-ji(太寶寺)
Principal image JyuuichimenKanzeonBosatsu in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Toyozan sect. Monk from Baekje carved  JyuuichimenKanzeonBosatsuand enshrined in the mountains.
It was said that Myoujin Ukyou and Hayato founded JyuuichimenKanseonbosatsu and enshrined temple.
It was founded the temple as directed by the Emperor Monbu in 701years.
It was Named Taiho-ji to match thename of an era at that time.
Big straw sandals is suspended there is alayer of temple gate and walk the long approach from thenational highway.
There is a main hall in the place that was Noboritsumethrough the parking lot in the middle and wentup the stone stairs. There is a Daisi-Dou became a high floor on the right side of the main hall.
From No.43 69.1km in Nouso pass through and 67.2Km Hiwada pass through ,up to No.45  8.4km.

Kumakogen Furusatomura

No.45 Iwaya-ji(岩屋寺)
Principal image Hudou Myouou in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Toyozan sect.KouboDaisi met hermit in this areain 815 years, and was handed the mountain.Therefore, it has been reported he carved statuesof HudoumyoOu by woodand stone. Wooden statue was enshrined asthe principal image of temple and stone statue was entired mountainwith containment in the mountains.Go up the stone steps of the tight 266 stage from main gate at the foot. Jizouand Muenbotoke mossyis placed in the middle. There is a main hall when I wear up the stone steps, there is a Daisi-Dou back to the left. There is SeriwariZenjyou that Daishi was trainingwhen going into the mountains further. It means thatto get to thistemple through the front of the SeriwariZenjyou from the mountain behind it and come Hattyouzaka pilgrimage roadfrom Taihoji.ToNo.46 is 25.0km 45 Iwaya Temple.

<You can enjoy a virtual pilgrimage If you open the KML file>

No. 45 from No. 43 route information  KML file