To No.37 from No.36 is three-day course, is a long ture. After you worshiped the No. 36 , Return to The Usa Bridge and You have Two course ,to go toward the Route 23, looking to the left said of Uranouchi Vay, about 57.1km or through the Yokonami peninsula,Up or down tight, the road passing t where you can enjoy stunning views of the coastline and sea, about 55.5km .Both courses will meet at Uranouchiwan western edge.
There are three courses between Nanakotoge from Kure Nakatosa town. Soemimizu Pilgrim road, ,Osaka Pilgrimage road. And National road course.
To chose Soemimizu road is hard, but you can attach taste the atmosphere of old-fashioned pilgrimage road. Please avoid the car because it is more dangerous to national road course.
To Camping the first day Suzaki resting place, second day Do you want to also bunking bench Kageno station.
Station Aguri Kubokawa Road
Takaoka shrine in rest area(With roof)
Tosa (park)
Kasan'noin Mausoleum
Suzaki resting place
S Nisikiyu
Osaka resting place Kageno station (camp apply)
Yuuing Imanto(With shower)
No.37 Iwamoto-ji(岩本寺)
Principal images Amida Nyorai, Yakusi Nyorai, Kanzeon Bosatsu, Jidou Bosatsu, Huzoumyou Ou in the temple of the Shingon Buddium Cizan sect.
Root temple Shichifuku Temple Gyoki bodhisattva who received the royal command of Emperor Shomu the retractor in the land of ( Niida seven Temple) , the beginning and Fu Enmanji .
After that, reportedly put the Buddha in each of Kobo Daishi is erected a temple five five companies , to have a twelve Fu Temple five companies together .I saw the prosperity , but lost all by fire caused by war in the Tensho era .Renamed the temple name of the current , it is ruined by Shinto and Buddhism separation when it was revived by Mr. Ichijo grouper but was revived in the present location in 1889 .
There is a temple gate on top of the stone steps of the stage more than ten Entering the approach that there is a stone pillar gates on both sides of the entrance .
There is a main hall in front of the back , there is a Great Teacher on the right side of the front .Many people wrote without distinction professional , amateur , you want to look at all means is decorated with ceiling paintings of 575 pieces to Marilyn Monroe from the beauties of nature is the ceiling of the main hall , which was built in 1978 .
There is a temple and worshiping Suitengu wooden and peas were the principal image the Great Jubilee joy freely heaven in the precincts . I have a temple lodging . No. Up to 38 ,80.7km.
<You can enjoy a virtual pilgrimageIf you open the KML file>
No. 36 fromNo. 37 route information (Utsumi)KML file
No. 36 from No. 37 route information(open sea) KML file