Up to No. 36 Seiryuu-ji from No. 31 Chikurin-ji (2 day course)

No. 36 from No. 31 is a 2-day course. To cross The Bay Urato from No.32 to No.33, there are two courses of 43.3Km riding a ferry and course of 45.5km across the Urato Bridge . Both are good course. Do you take the superb view from the top of Urato Bridge? Do you take the ferry like the people in the past? Those who stick to walk the pilgrim is like choosing the Urato Bridge, but it has been observed ferry also walk from the old days. Along the way, those of Urato Bridge is convenient Who are side trip to Katsurahama. Camp on the first day under the bridge or near the Niyodogawa. Seiryuji temple resting place is a suitable site the second day.

Principal image  Jyuuichi Men Kanzeonbosatsu in Shingon temple, of Toyoyama Sect. It was opened by Gyoki Bodhisattva Jinki year.
Then, it was said that Kobo Daishi carved the principal image Jyuuichimen Kanzeonbosatsu  to pray the safety of navigation of Tosa Sea.
And also Tosa Rord Yamauch Kazutoyo worshiped at this temple always before voyage.You go up the pilgrim road in the wooded area from the foot, there is a temple gate and the main hall to the reft, Daisi-Dou to the right,at the end of climbing.
Although it is not widely grounds so there have various Jizo shrine and Amida-Dou.
Wooden Kongou-Rikisi statue of temple gate is designated as an important cultural property.Well, scenery overlooking the boats drift by the Tosa Bay because it is the summit of the mountain slightly elevated.Have popular name of Minedera. 5.7km from No.31, No.33 up to 7.5km in via ferry.

No.33. Sekkei-ji(雪蹊寺)
The principal image Yakusi Nyorai, temple of Rinzai Buddism Myoshin-ji sect.It is said that Kobo Daishi was founded in Enreki years, but it is questionable whether or not the foundation of the temple before went to Tang.
Not temple gate, main hall newly built in recent years front back When you enter the precincts of stone pillargate, there is a Daisi-Dou in the front right side.
In the Warring States era, became the family temple of Sengoku daimyo Chosokabe Motochika,and referred to  Kouhuku-ji in Shingon Buddhism.Both sides samurai statue and wooden Yakushi holdings and Kisyouten Zenbusi Douji and wooden Bisyamon Teni are designated as an important cultural property.7.5km in via ferry from No.32, No.34 up to 6.3km

Principal image Yakusi Nyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism  Toyoyama sect.
It is the nearby harbor of the land ,carpentry and buddhist image maker was invited from Kudara for Construct Shitenno-ji in the era of Youmei Emperor, was evacuated to storm off the coast in Tosa,
Koubou-Dais carved yakusi Nyorai where they pray for safety of navigation, was enshrined in Moto mountain summit.
Then, Kobo Daishi was founded as the principal image Yakusi Nyorai,
It is said that Kobo Daishi had sown the seedsof grain in the precincts ,that was brought from the Tang Dynasty at that time,is the origin of the temple name.
Not temple gate, the main hall at the far end, there is a Daisi-Dou to the frontright-hand side you enter the grounds, there is also a small shrine dedicated toIsizuchi Gongen and Kannon-Dou.Yakusi Nyorai wooden Hibutsu is designated as an important cultural property. To No.35 is 9.8km
Niyodogawa Bridge under

No.35 Kiyotaki-ji(清滝寺).
Principal image Yakusi Nyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Toyoyama sect.Gyouki Bosatsu was founded in the name of Syakumoto-ji ,couved Yakusi Nyorai,When he feeled the Reiki in this area in 723 years.
Kobo Daishi was subjected toseven days of training in the mountains north of thetemple to Koujin year.He pokeed the ground with a cane on the date of termination ,clean water flooded and,was pond like a mirror Quoted as defined in Shikoku hallowed ground where changed to the name of the current temple.There is a temple gate and up the stone steps and the pilgrimage road from the foot of the steep, stone steps persists. There are Yakushi of 12m height When you enter the grounds, the main hall, there is aDaisi-Dou on the left side to the right side behind.That there is a divine favor to good luck charm wicket womb can seat a large Yakushi.Wooden YakusiNyorai of Buddha has been designated as an important cultural property.
9.8km from No.34, No.36 to the 13.9km
Usa Bridge Park
Seiryu-ji temple resting place
S Mizuki mountain hot spring
Tsukaji resting place

No.36 Syouryuu-ji(青龍寺).
Principal image Namikiru Hudou in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Toyoyama sect.Kobo Daishi, which is taught the Shingon esoteric Buddhism from Keika priest of Seiryuji Tang , would like to make a Seiryu-ji in Japan, threw a punch Tocco from Tang.It is said that after Local Tour of Shikoku he found the Tocco pestlelocate old pine tree to have to reported to Emperor Saga and built a templeThere is Keika-Dou was dedicated to Keika Priest on the left side of the temple gate toward you and go into the approach.There is a three-story pagoda painted in red ,stone steps to the left of the middle When you enter the main gate, the main hall, there is a Yakusi-Dou, Daisi-Dou, on the right side to the left in front of it and be engrossed in the steep stone steps. Syoten-dou are other grounds to And Benzaiten, and Hakusan shrine has been enshrined. Aizenmyouou of parquet is designated as an important cultural property of the country.To No.37 is 58.5km.

<Information of each camp Fudasho, hot spring, public bath is in the KML file>

From No. 31 to No. 36 route information ( Bridge ) KML file

From No. 31 to No. 36 route information ( Ferry   ) KML file