There are two course. The problem is decide the way of the pilgrim road.
Classic pilgrim road is trace back Ichinose River after returning to Simonokae
The second route is travels west coast.
West Coast course is easy to find campsites in the route along the sea, bat need about 22km more and 1day . So I chose the classic course.
I create a walking course by google Map of public road and course composed mainly of pilgrimage road.
Pilgrim road course is 82.9km. walking the Google Map walking course is 84.2km,
Please decide in the physical condition.
First day,near Shimonokae, the second day will camp in Ipponmatsu Hot Springs.
<Information of each camp Fudasho, hot spring, public bath is in the KML file>
No.38 Kongofuku-ji
Drive-in Suisya
(The park in back) Shimonokae junior high school
Asahi Health Spa
Hakuho shrine
S Ashizuri Terme
(Park before) Kokuminshukusha Ashizuri Terme
Forest rest of MIhasa Umenoki park
Park behind the Ashizuri International Hotels (tent)
(Park in front) Kokuminshukusha
Resting place (Tonbo Park)
Kashima park
S bathhouse Aioi hot water
SHINNEN hermitage
No.39. Enkoo-ji (延光寺)
Principal image Yakusi Nyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Toyoyama sect. Gyoki Bodhisattva is carvedYakusi Nyorai as directed by the Emperor Shomu in 724years, and founded.
It was said that later Koubou-Daisii Visited and carved Nikoo / Gakkoo Bosatsus as a side samirai and enshrined. Daisi was also, wowed Shimizuof "eye washwell" stab the ground with a cane for residents suffering from water shortage.
The main hall to the front and back through the main gate on the stairs, there is a Daisi0Dou inthe right hand.
There is a statue of red turtle carrying a temple bell in the precinct.Temple bell there is inscription of Engiyear has been designated as an important cultural property of the country.72.5km via Gassan Shrine ,51.6km via Jizodao Ridge, 50.8km, viaMihara over fromNo.38 To No.40 is 25.8km.
S Ipponmatsu hot spring
SUKUMO resting place (also under dry riverbed)
HARUNAGA children's park (City Hall side)
Trace of barrier Matsuo Sakaguchi
Johen park
No.40 Kanjizai-ji(観自在寺)
Principal image Yakusi Nyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Daikaku-ji sect.
It is said that by direct of Emperor Heijyo , Koubo Daisive carved Yakusi Nyorai
and aside Buddha Amida Nyorai,Jyuuichimen Kanzeon Bosatsu from one of the sacred tree.
There is a temple gate of the total cypress structure on top of the stone steps of about 15 steps when go into tha narrow approach.
The main hall infront of the back, there is a Daisi-Dou tothe right upon entering the temple gate. Jitsujyuden Hakkaku-Dou is a treasure exhibition room. Called The Back Barrier Gate of Shikoku hallowed ground because it is farthestfrom the first number Fudasho. 25.8km fromNo.39, No.41 tothe 50.2km.
<You can enjoy a virtual pilgrimage If you open the KML file>
No. 38 from No. 40 route information (pilgrimage) KML file
No. 38 from No. 40 route information (Google)KML file