Up to No.43 Akashi-ji from No. 40 Kanjizai-ji ( 3 day course )

No. 43 from No. 40 is a 3- day course .
There is also a 47km from No. 40 to No. 41.
I created a walking course the Google Map course and the pilgrim way course.
There is 64km pilgrimage road course , Google course is 67km.
Branch point of the two courses is Kashiwazaki . Divided into course to walk along the Route 56 course and the crosses mountains course , and then meet at around Daimon Then , select  the course through Hanaga and Matsuo tunnel or  through the pilgrimage road ,if you want to avoid the tunnel .
The Google course is of course only public road and work forward without question.
But I want to choose the pilgrimage road if the same trouble .
Do you choose?But , please select the Google course without question a rainy day .
Beyond Hanaga Pass is a dangerous place , there have chain field .
I am suitable for the accommodation there is a bus stop surrounded on three sides walls along Route 56.Let soak in hot spring Atsuta the first day .
No. 40 Kanjizai-ji
Myoosyo Station Road
Minami-Lek park
Happyakuzaka Pass bus stop
S Yurariutsuminoyu
Ryusui Daishi
Shimizu Daishi ( Daishi water )
Yasuraginosato Atsuta hot spring

Ishimaru park
Uma-me Gi Daishi
Tensyaku park
Mima Station Road

No.41 Ryuukou-ji(龍光寺)
Principal image Jyuuichimen KanzeonBosatsu in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Misitsu sect. Koubo Daisi met an old man in this area in 807 years. He realized the man to be the incarnation ofGokokuDaimyoujin, and was carved old man’s statues as  JyuuichimenKanzeonBosatsu, BIsyamonten and Hudoumyouou as aside Buddha,then   enshrined as InariDaimyoujin
Go up the stone steps andinto the approach with stone gate, here not temple gate.
The main hall, there is a Daisi-Dou far right across the approach to the left of the stone steps along the way.
Red Gate stood on top of the stone steps, there is an Inari shrine. It is a collection of beliefs widely as a guardian angel of farmers is the headquartersof Shikoku hallowed ground. Guardian dogs are leftwith Torii in the precincts because they have dedicated to InariDaimyoujin in Shinto syncretism Meijipreviously. 50.2km from No.40, No.42up to 2.6km.

No.42 Butsumoku-ji(仏木寺)
Principal image Dainichi Nyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Misitsu sect. In 807 Kodo Daisi was passing through the land on the back of a cow by the suggestion of the old man He found the string of beads applied to the branches of the camphor tree ,which
he threw towards the east in order to search the holy place from Tang.
It is said that He had perceived that this land was holy place and carved the image of DainichiNyorai in camphor tree and filled in between the middle of the forehead the Beads m and increment temple.There is a bell tower temple thatchedroof was built in the Genroku years andup the stone steps through the main gate of the layer in the prefectural road along, there is a main hall in the back to walk around to the left, there is a Daisi-Dou in the left-hand side. Kachiku-Dou because it is the temple of livestock guardian and
Hudou-Dou, also Syoutokutaisi-Dou, in the precinct. ToNo.43 is 10.6km.

No.43  Meiseki-ji(明石寺)
Principal image Senjyu Kanzeon Bosatsu in the temple of the TendaijiMonsyuBuddism. ENTE gyoja Senjyukanseonbosatsu is directed by the emperor Kinmei.It was erected just finished a complete temple compound founded by enshrined.
Was the asceticsdojo Jyugen asceticis erected twelveBow in 734years.
It is reportedly defined as hallowed ground by the revival cathedralthat Kobo Daishi, who received the instructions of Emperor Saga in822 years and then was devastated.
It is a single layerand go up thestone steps stone steps, but by more there is a temple gate felt majestic.
There is the main hall if you go to the top, ceilingpainting was dedicatedcongregation is drawnis left in the ceilingof foreigners. There is a Daisi-Dou of small-sized on the right side of the main hall.
10.6km, No from No.42.Up to 44 67.2km

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From No. 40 to No.43 route information  (pilgrimage) KML file

From No. 40  to No.43 route information  (Google)     KML file