UP to No.84Yasima-ji from No.79 Tennou-ji (2 day course)

46.9Km from No.84 to No.79. It is a two-day course.
For walking pilgrimage City It is still weak, mountain road would be nice to walk! !
Mountain path is followed to No.82Negoro-ji from No.80Kokubun-ji. Way that get to No.81 is a little hard, because it is the foot that became vigorously, it will be all right now.
You walk a mountain path that opened along the ridge It is really refreshing.
Tonight let's pitch a tent in the banks of the pond of around No.83 after immersed in the hot spring slowly

<Information of each camp Fudasho, hot spring, public bath is in the KML file>

Principal image JyuichimenKanzeonBosarsu in the temple of the KogiShingon Buddism. Is one of the Kokubunji that was built across the country in response to and Instruction by Emperor Syoumu. Gyoki was found and enshrined the SenjyuKanzeonBosatsu. It is said that Kobo Daishi repaired the principal image and established  temple later. It was destroyedby fire caused by war in Tensyou year. It can be seen that Kondou was build east-west 28m, north-south 14m by cornerstone marks
 dotted thirty-three in front of the main hall.
Also there are fifteen cornerstone of tower, That the fact  that there was a seven-fold tower of 1 side 0m,63m height is estimated. There is a main hallin front of thebackProceeding the precinctto walk a long approachfrom the temple gate. There
is Daisidou imitating a tower on the inside of the fence in frontof the right hand.
From No.79 6.5km, up to No.81 (Sakaide City ) 6.6km

(Under the bridge) Ayasaka Bridge
Inn Sakaide (hot spring) of Kampo
Shiramine observatory

Principal image SenjyuKanzeonBosarsu in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Misitsu Sect.  Kobo Daishi digging wells by fillingthe NyoraiHoujyu toSiramine mountain in 815 years andvowed of peoplerelief. Later, when ChisyouDaishi was look at the yeonggwang to mountain and climbed, the old man with white hair appeared and told him here was a sacred land.  Therefore, it is said to haveenshrined as the principal image carved in SenjyuKanseonBosatsu sacred tree that has been floating around the Seto Inland Sea. Sutokuemperor was buried in Shiromine imperial tomb of the hillside, but the court was erecteda cemetery asByosho worshiping the spirits of Emperor inthis temple fromthat misfortune often followed in capital.
There is Tyokugaku Gate in the back when flex to the left above with sevenbuildings Gate. Main hall in front of it and up the long stone steps to the right to the front, DaisiDou are lined up to the right. There is a cemetery is the Spirit office Sutoku Emperor to the tip of Tyokugaku Gate, there is an imperial tomb in the grove on the right went up about100m further.
6.5km from No.80, to No.82 is 5.0km

Principal image SenjyuKanzeonBosarsu in the temple of the Tendai Buddism .
Kobo Daishi was perceive the Five Dhyani Buddhas of KongoukaiMandara in this area in Koujin year  .  In honor of this , was named Aomine , Kuromine , Kimine, and Shiramine this mountains . Was dedicated to GodaiMyouou by founding the Kazou-In to Aomine . When Chisyou Daishi visited in 832 years , IchineseMyoujin the guardian angel of the mountains appeared and made to the oracle here were to be a sacred place. So Chisyou Daishi was enshrined in the founding Senjyu-In and carved SenjyuKanzeonBosatsu with fragrant wood . It is said because the roots of this fragrant wood had issued a fragrance for a long time , and, it is assumed that the name of the temple collectively bicameral of Senjyu-In and Kazou-In. There are stone steps down to enter the massive temple gate of a single layer , there is a DaisiDou to the right and become the stone steps of the upstream natural stone soon . It is a main hall with a corridor and go up the steep stone steps further . Statue of 33,333 believers were donated have been enshrined in the corridor of the main hall before . From No.81,11.9km  to No.83, 11.9Km.

Nakayama resting place
Goshikidai boy Nature Center

Principal image SenjyuKanzeonBosarsu in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Misitsu Sect. Gibuchi bishop was founded in Taihou year. It was referred to as TaihouIn in Housou Buddizum  initially. When Gyoki Bodhisattva foundedthe Tamura shrine as the first shrine of Sanuki by Royal command , this temple was renoveted and revised as Ichimiya-ji ,temple of the first. Later Kobo Daishi established , enshrined and carved the principal image statueSyouKanzeon of 1m.It has been toldto have been converted to the Shingon Buddizum at this time. Main hallin front of the back when passing under the temple gate that isfacing the Tamura shrine, there is DaisiDouin the right hand, Inari shrine is builton the left. 13.6km to No.84
Natural hot spring Kirara
S Yashima first health spa

Principal image JyuuichimenKanzeonBosarsu in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Misitsu Sect. 754 years,when Ganjin Wajo comes to Japan fromTang he saw holy lightin this mountain and went up to northern mountain of Yashima ,he felt this land is sacredland .and was founded and erected HukenDou. Later, disciples Keiun built a temple onthe land and became the chief priestof the first generation. Kobo Daishi visited this place as directed by the EmperorSaga in 815years, was enshrinedas the principal image carved JyuichimenKanzeonBosatsu as well as transferred to south ridgeof the templethat was in the ridge to the north.
Upon entering the grounds are spacious and the duckSitenmon entered thetemple gate, SantaiDou worshipingthree AmidaNyorai, SyakaNyorai, of Gamjin Wajo are aligned to the left of the approach to a shrine, main hall painted in red, which is designated as an important cultural property infront I have a. A bell tower, Sentai, is DaisiDou When you enter the main hall right before. 5.4km toNo.85.

<You can enjoy a virtual pilgrimage If you open the KML file>

From No.79 route information to No.84  KML file