UP to No.79Tennou-ji from No.70 Motoyama-ji (2 day course)

To No. 79 from No. 70 is 41.5km,2-day course.
At last we prayto No.75 Zentsuuji, hometown of Koubo Daishi.
Your pilgrim path remain short, I think your mind become complex.
I think ,sidetracked a little around here is good for diversion
 So what are to prayto KotohiraGu in Sanukiafter you worship the 75th?
Even on the train, because it is sidetracked along the way, it does not change the pilgrimage to walk 88 pointsif restart andreturn to the original. Today in the side, andam indebted to the kindness inn "Mandala", and to interact with pilgrims of otherlittle pride ofcampers also a good idea.
If you want to camp you choose sports park, etc.

<Information of each camp Fudasho, hot spring, public bath is in the KML file>

No.70 Motoyama-ji
Kareki Jizodo
Arbor in the pond
Midorigaoka Sports Park
S Takase natural hot spring
Station Iyadani hot springs road
Forest Park petting Iyataniyama
Mino Park pettingS

No.71.Iyadani-ji (弥谷寺)
Principal image SenjyuKanzeonBosatsu in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Zentsuu-ji sect. Gyouki Bodhisattvawas founded by the instruction of Syoumu emperor. Since the region ofShikoku and Tyugokuhas views fromthe mountain at that time, and enshrined  SyakaNyorai to peak the westridge and  AmidaNyorai to the east and was named RengesanHakkoku-ji.
In addition, in the place where Koubo Daisi worked hard to study from 8 to 13 years, after he returned fromTang he revisit for the training of KumonjiHou, he heard the revelation of KongouZaouGongen  with five sword came down from the sky.It is said that Daishi is enshrined as the principal image carved SenjyuKanzeonBosatsu based on the revelation.There is a statue of  KongouKenBosatsu in Niten Gate, gentle slopecovered with trees from the foot continued, slope and stone stepsare repeated todive the temple gate. There is DaisiDou When up the stone stepsfurther, there is a main hall in the place where it was up the stone stairs and hill and go to the right destination.To No.72 is3.7km

Principal image DainichiNyorai in the temple  of the Shingon Buddism Zentsuu-ji sect.The foundation as Sezaka-ji is atemple of Mr.Saeki who is the ancestorof KoubouDaisi in596 years.It is said Daishi praying for the repose of mother TamaiGozen, and wasrenamed the mandala-ji he enshrined by drawing Kongou and Taizou mandala and DainichiNyorai brought back from Tang. Go back toenter the main gate of the single layer there is a bell tower and DaisiDou to the left, in front main hall, and there is a KannonDouthat dedicated SyoukannzeonBosatsuto the right. From No.71 3.5km to No.73 0.5km.


Principal image SyakaNyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Zentsuu-ji sect. When SaekiSingyo (KoubouDaisi) of 7-year-old,In an attempt to get an opportunity to enter in Buddhism, and standingon the top of Wasinoyamamountain of 481m,he prayed "Pleasenot help me if I can save people after enteringin Buddhism, lifeis just as well Otherwise,"and threw himself from the quay.Then, angelclothed in robe andBuddha was sittingin lotus flowerof purple clouds gushing appeared, below the Daishifalling .Daishi wassaved to celestial maiden.It is said to bulida temple nearthe top of the mountain and carved statues ofBuddha that appeared as the principal image, Daishi was named Syusyaka-jilater. It moved tothe current location for the convenienceof worshipers inabout 300 years ago. There is a main hall in front When you enterthe temple gate andup the stone stairs, there is a DaisiDou in the right hand. There is an inner sanctuary Yohai office forthose who do not go to the inner sanctuary ofthe mountain and up the stone steps and in the main hall left.To No.74 is 2.2km.

 Principal image YakusiNyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Zentsuu-ji sect. When Kobo Daishi was looking for suitable sites of the temple erected he met old saint in this area, the saint told to guardian iferected a templehere. This saint is realizedto be a Bisyamonten, Daishi carved Bisyamonten image and enshrined inthe rock.  KoubouDaisi was appointedresponsible for repair of Mannou pond 821 years after that, was erected aformer temple in the part of the Merit money given from the Imperial Court in that it wascompleted in three months the work that has beenstuck.It is said to have been enshrined as a principal image YakusiNyorai carved to pray the safety of theconstruction. There is DaisiDou main hall is, and go up thestone steps of thefurther left in the place that went up the stone stepsof the left hand upon entering a new temple gateacross a bridge ofHirota River. Alsoa small shrine dedicated to Bisyamonten as inner shrine in the precincts is provided.
Up to No.76 is 1.6km.
Park seen firefly

Principal image YakusiNyorai in the head temple of the Shingon Buddism Zentsuu-ji sect DaisiDou is the inner sanctuary as the birth place of Koubou Daisi Koubou Daisi returned home from Tang to built the temple received a donation of manor - house in father SaekiYosomichi father for ancestral memorial service. Seeded the sand of the eight of hallowed ground of Tang in the land, was completed in six years-long temple that mimics the Seiryu-ji of Tang in 813 years. Vast site is divided into east and west two Temples,is referred to as the cathedral Touinn, and Kondo (main hall), the fivestorypagoda, Shakado, is referred to as the birth Institute, and there are DaisiDou Treasure Museum, Temples. There is Go-sha Myojin Shakado, to the left five- story pagoda of the total zelkova structure spanning the 45m height on the right side, in the beyond, is the main hall in front of the back there is a gate of three Touin but upon entering the South Gate is the main gate some. Rising inner gate of GohyakuRakan are aligned on your right and go to the right a stone pavement in front exits the main hall, is Mieidou to Saeki mansion trace forward front if there is a approach there is a roof When you enter the temple gate again through the middle passage has been built. In addition to Kaidan tour of 100m length can be, there is a treasure Museum behind the Miedou. IchijiIcgibutsuHokkekyouJyobun and the Lotus Sutra Jobon gilt bronze head bishop's staff, which is said Kobo Daishi brought back from Tang, of the collection is a national treasure, wooden Jizo Bodhisattva statue, wooden Kisyouten statue, Zentsuuji cathedral illustration is an important cultural asset is specified.A 20-minute walk from Zentsuuji Station.

Principal image YakusiNyorai in the temple of the Tendai Buddism Jimon sect. The birthplace of ChisyouDaisiEnchin,the founder of Tendai Buddhism Jimon, sect. WakeDouzen , grandfather of CisyouDaisi was founded in 774 years. It was called Zouzen-jiinitially. CisyouDaisi you Eurema from Tang is the principal image carved YakusiNyoraifor Bodhi ancestors, put in place a templein imitation of Seiryuji of Tang. It has changed its name to the Kinsou-ji in response to the instructions of Emperor Daigo. There is a main hall of the front backWhen you enter the main gate, there is a Great Teacher temple main hall of the temple front left back. KinuhontyoSyokuChisyoDaisiZou that ownshas been designated as an importantcultural property. 6-minute walk from Kinsou-ji Station.To No.77 3.9km.

S bathhouse
S bathhouse Taishohot water
Kotohiragu Shrine

Principal image YakusiNyorai in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Daigo sect. In theepoch of Emperor Gemmei, The local ruling family WakeDouryu heard that there is a mulberry tree gives off confuse lay nightly in Mulberry plantation and shoot an arrow in thought a monsters, nursing mother had fallen. Douryu saddened and carved a small imageof YakusiNyorai inthe mulberry trees, was enshrined andbuilt a stately. Was named Douryu-ji to take the name of the founder the name of the temple TyouyuuHoosichild of Douryu built a temple. Later, Kobo Daishi carved new YakusiNyorai as the principal image andpay in the womba small imageof YakusiNyorai Doiryuwas carved There is a main hall in frontback approach is followed by it's single layer, but when entering a large temple gate. There is DaisiDouon the right side of the main hall, there is a temple of many precincts. HosiMandara in its collection has been designated as an important cultural property of the country.3.8km from No.76,No.78 is up to7.2km.

Marugame Sports Park

Principal image AmidaNyorai in the temple of the Jisyu Buddism.  Gyoki Bodhisattva enshrined andbuilt a temple carvedAmidaNyorai a size of about 55cm in 725 years. named Doujyou-ji initially. It is said Kobo Daishi has established a temple in 815 years. IppenSyonin the founderof the Jisyu Budidum returned homein 1288, and re-emergingas a dojo Odorinenbutsu, it was renamed theGousyo-ji.
There is a main hall in the temple backWhen you enter the temple gate and up thehill, there is a bell tower, DaisiDou, next to itin the place that went up the stone steps to the right. There is MantaiKannonDouin the basement in front of the Daisidou.
7.3km from No.77,No.79 is up to5.9km.
S Shikoku healthvillage
S Iyashinosatosarai
Water Yasoba

No.79 Tenno-ji.(天皇寺)
Principal image JyuuichimenKanzeonBosatsu in the temple of the Shingon Buddism Misitsu sect. KouboDais is inspired by Yasoba pond,was enshrined inthe temple erectedand carved JyuuichimenKanzeonBosatsuin trees nearby.I have been toldAmidaNyorai, AizenMyouou also worshiped at the same time, and was founded and named Myouseijjyu-ji.  When Sutoku Emperor that was shedin this land anddefeated in Hogen Disturbance died in 1156, his bodies was immersion bodies 20 daysin Yasoba Pond. It is said that erected a prayer Sutoku Emperorshrine for the repose of Emperor later. It was named Tennou-ji and became a Jinguu-ji.DaisiDou the main hall lined when you enter red shrine gate SiramineGu,to the left and Notemple gate.
5.9km from No78,to No.80 (Takamatsu) 6.6km.

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From No.70 route information to No. 79  KML file